
To transfer ownership of real estate, the seller(s) execute a deed giving ownership to the buyer(s). Usually after the transfer deed has been properly executed, it is then recorded with the real estate records in the proper county. A Real Estate attorney can properly prepare and record a deed for reasonable costs. Be cautious of “do-it-yourself” documents unscrupulous Notary Public offering to prepare legal documents. Often times you will spend additional money correcting the mistakes that were made when you tried to save on expenses to begin with. A Real Estate Lawyer can also prepare transfer deeds for owner financing agreements and Gift Deeds, Lady Bird Deeds and Transfer on Death Deeds.
- Transfer of ownership of Real Estate is by a Deed
- Real Estate Attorney can save you time and expense
- “Do-it-yourself” documents and Notary Publics often result in you having to hire a Real Estate Lawyer to correct their mistakes
- Owner Financing Legal Documents prepared by a Real Estate Attorney
- Real Estate Lawyer can prepare Gift Deeds, Lady Bird Deeds and Transfer on Death Deeds as required by the client